Interesting man! Again just sad to see that a once industrial powerhouse can be taken over by a green minority coalition..

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Yeah AFD from Okla. I studied trauma surgery in Bremen in 1987. Of course being American educated I spoke only Colloquial English( think Texas, 6 th generation). My education profited greatly from precise rational &?standard as well as marvelous German steel in instruments & implants. “ Das est richtig, das est alles, punct! Professor Doctor Buchhart Freidrich! He lived down the road from Kaiser Wilhelm’s nephew. Apologies for poor spelling.

After Nordstream fiasco, I was in a funk! WTF has Bundes Republic der Deutschland come too. They did not just shoot themselves but blew off their right foot ,

cheap energy!

Danke for your meaty essay! Tom Ewing, grandson of Robert Campbell Miller from Glasgow. ( Mighty strange mix Texan/ Scot)

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I bet you would be shocked if you come back to Germany know. Only in the last 5-10 years, it changed a lot in so many ways.

Yes, we shot ourselves in the foot and also in the knee of the other leg. Just to be sure. It's basically the Greens pushing the agenda of the US empire (not only Davos' ones) to bring Germany's manufacturing capacity to the US which has lost it via Nordstream, sanction against Russia, green nonsense and the inflation reduction act. In turn, we are getting a big military to be the hegemon in Europe against Russia. I am firmly against both.

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As someone who knows nothing about German history after 1989, that demographics comparison map absolutely blew my mind - literally night and day. So Berlin is a sort of 'Lefty Island' surrounded by a more centre right Brandenburg?

Is there a succession movement in East Germany at all, like in Quebec?

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Demographics is something that generally flies under the radar, but it is such an import topic.

Yeah pretty much. Many normal Berliners are leaving the city and move to the villages and towns around Berlin. The city itself now is a weird accumulation of left wing Germans, hipsters and Muslim immigrants. I truly despise this place and I lived there for almost 10 years. 😅

Well, during Covid in Saxony, the 'Freie Sachsen' (Free Saxons) movement was a part of the protest. More Green-White flags than German ones. The guy behind this is party a monarchist with classic national-liberal values. He wants to reestablish the Saxon monarchy and have a conservative society and a free economy. Like pre-1914 Germany. There are worse things IMO. This party is not really important, but once they got 25% for their candidate in a county election. However, I wouldn't rule out a secession of Saxony and/or Bavaria if SHTF.

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